Wild West Brewfest

This ain’t yer average brew fest, it’s an old-timey rendezvous with the cowpoke spirits who once walked historic Caldwell’s dirt streets. This western-themed festival features everything we love about the wild west; beer, country music, and the country way of living. So, grab your spurs (costumes encouraged) and wax up your mustache (yep, there’s a contest) for a rootin’ tootin’ good time!

We will have around 50 breweries on-site to sample and taste from! The Brewfest is open to all ages and is free to attend, the beer tasting tickets are strictly for purchase by persons 21+ (A Driver’s License or Passport is required on the day of the event to redeem your ticket for beer tasting, you will then get a wristband verifying your age and 12 tasting tickets). NO REFUNDS, EXCHANGES, OR RETURNS.

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